Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Bicycle Profiles: Eve

I did it again: I started a new blog series called The Bicycle Profiles. Based on Dmitry Gudkov's amazing #BikeNYC portrait series, this is about people and their relationships with their bikes. If you are a long-time reader of this blog, my Twitter, or you just know me in person, you know my ideal method of transport is by bicycle. In the way that The Plaid Project was an ode to my favorite article of clothing, this series is an ode to my favorite way to get around town. I'll open up the series with Eve.

What's your name, occupation, and place of residence?
Eve, student, Berkeley.

Describe your relationship with your bike.
I have a road bike (white, specialized carbon fiber) that I got for triathlon. I love it because it makes riding up crazy hills easy -- it takes me to places I can't to go by walking. I can ride up in the hills for three hours where it’s just me, my bike, and awesome nature.

When did you start riding?
I started riding for transport around school, but got this bike for triathlon last March and I love it.

Why do you ride?
I ride for the feeling of being free, powerful, and strong. I love riding with other people and sharing the joy.

Expect to see a new post for the series tomorrow.

Check out more photos from The Bicycle Profiles and Berkeley.

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