Kara is wearing a shirt from a vintage store on Haight, pants from Buffalo Exchange, Gap sweater, wedges, hat, and bag from Target, rings from Nasty Gal, and her grandmother's pearls.
What’s your name? Where do you live? What do you do?
I'm Kara, I'm from the Midwest but moved to San Francisco about 6 months ago with my boyfriend. Right now I'm working with two startups as a marketing consultant and I also do freelance wedding photography on the side.
How did you get into blogging?
This city is defiantly not easy to move to! It took us a couple of months to find an apartment. I started Whimsy Soul as a way to occupy my time so I wouldn't spend my days just binge watching Netflix between apartment showings. Since getting settled, my blog has quickly become my favorite thing to work on each week - I find it's a great excuse to explore San Francisco and have an outlet to funnel my creativity in.
How would you describe your style?
I classify my style as "whimsical" hence the blog name. My closet is very colorful!
Do you have any style icons or inspirations?
Amy Poehler is someone I really admire - I know she's not a style icon per say, but she's a really strong woman who encourages other women to be the best they can be. I love that. She has a collection of great quotes, my favorite being, "Great people do things before they're ready. They do things before they know they can them. Doing what you're afraid of, getting out of your comfort zone, taking risks like that - that's what life is." Honestly, whenever I'm feeling discouraged with my career or life (like our huge move across the country which wasn't exactly easy) or my blog, I read that quote.
How has growing up in Wisconsin and living in San Francisco influenced your style?
You can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl! But really, I can't shake my love for plaid shirts and sturdy boots. I grew up in the Wisconsin country where I spent most of my time outdoors (when it wasn't snowing and -20, that is) and now that I'm living in a city, I can't help but occasionally bringing these country elements into my outfits.
What do you like the most about blogging?
Everything! I love thinking through outfits, scouting locations and doing shoots but also really enjoy all the back-end business things like writing, managing growth, social and my email list.
What have you learned from blogging?
I forgot how much I love to write! Since I work in social media my writing tends to be limited to 140 characters, so blogging is a great way for me to embrace my writing voice again.
What do you do when you’re not blogging?
When I'm not working or blogging I'm usually eating. Wait, did I just admit that? I really love to cook and am always making new dishes. I also take a day each week to explore parts of San Francisco/ the surrounding area. One of my favorite things to do while traveling is trying out new foods and restaurants... So yeah, I'm always eating in some way or another.
What can we expect to see from you in the future?
I have a few trips planned for this summer, so you'll be seeing more travel posts and adventures!
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